Strange Shrimp Behaviour


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2011
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My juvinile red cherries (some just starting to colour up) are racing around the tank, look almost like they're chasing each other at times. Haven't added anything new recently or anything. I'm getting a bit concerned - is this normal?

Just tested nitrates as I'm due a w/c thinking it could be that but they came out at aprox 5ppm (though admittedly I didn't shake the sample for the time suggested). Should I be worried by their behaviour? They are usually very calm and not at all like this. Infact the only time I've known this is when I bought some shrimp last year and one of them was very active, but found dead a few days later (stress?).
When there is a female in the tank ready to mate then the males go a bit crazy. Even young males. Is it predominantly males doing the chasing around?
As above my cherry shrimp males usually go nuts when a female is ready to breed and with a couple of hundred cherry shrimp is a weird site seeing them zoom around the tank. The only other time mine go nuts is after a large water change, but they settle back down again soon enough.

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