prolly a 170 and 330 would be cool....Sky042 said:the width of them is what I was really looking for.
16" wide ehh. I might have to get creative.
based on flow rates (330GPH)the 330 should be enough turning the tank over roughly 9 times an hour. I just know I'll have a messy fish in there. Maybe I'll pair a 330 with the whisper 10 I have thats supposed to be good for up to a 30 I think it's 100 GPH.rollntider said:prolly a 170 and 330 would be cool....Sky042 said:the width of them is what I was really looking for.
16" wide ehh. I might have to get creative.
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The dimensions of the Emperor 280 is
yeah although you just showed me I could put twin 330'srollntider said:I an home now and measured my 330 it is 14 1/4 inches wide, the 37 is 30 inches long, so yeah you can do 2. My point in the 170 is that you would have 3 bio wheels going and the same filter pads.. Good luck with your choice.