Strange question. Anyone here use a emperor 330


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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I need someone to tell me how wide they are. I'm trying to figure out if I can fit 2 side by side on my new 37 G.
i have the penguin 330 and it is about 16" wide, has 2 biowheels and looks like 2 filters side by side HTH
If I am correct the 37 is the same size as the 29 except higher, yes you can if your hood will allow it. My current hood wont because of the cut out, but I have room for one more back there
the width of them is what I was really looking for.
16" wide ehh. I might have to get creative.
rollntider said:
Sky042 said:
the width of them is what I was really looking for.
16" wide ehh. I might have to get creative.
prolly a 170 and 330 would be cool....
based on flow rates (330GPH)the 330 should be enough turning the tank over roughly 9 times an hour. I just know I'll have a messy fish in there. Maybe I'll pair a 330 with the whisper 10 I have thats supposed to be good for up to a 30 I think it's 100 GPH.
I have an Emperor 280 (It's a single wheel model), and before I bought it I sent repeated emails to MarineLand asking for dimensions. At first they wouldn't even reply, but I persisted. Then they acted like this was a difficult question, and couldn't understand why I was asking for such rare, classified information. This was part of one response:

Sorry for the delay. Due to the complexity of this situation, it would be best if you called customer service at 1-800-322-1266.
-_- :crazy:

When I told them this is the kind of thing they should have printed right on their web site like any normal manufacturer of ANYTHING, they finally replied with the dimensions:

The dimensions of the Emperor 280 is

Now my first reaction was WOW, 10 feet wide huh? LOL :D

I'm running the one Emperor 280 on a US 40 gallons and it's not a problem at all with the fish I have. My favorite feature on my 280 is the lever for adjusting flow at feeding time. Also, because I have an older acrylic tank, if ti wasn't for the cover that sets over the bio-wheel, water would just pour into my light fixture insteead of into the tank.

One 280 plus one 330 or 400 should be about 26 to 28 inches of width total.
I an home now and measured my 330 it is 14 1/4 inches wide, the 37 is 30 inches long, so yeah you can do 2. My point in the 170 is that you would have 3 bio wheels going and the same filter pads.. Good luck with your choice.
rollntider said:
I an home now and measured my 330 it is 14 1/4 inches wide, the 37 is 30 inches long, so yeah you can do 2. My point in the 170 is that you would have 3 bio wheels going and the same filter pads.. Good luck with your choice.
yeah although you just showed me I could put twin 330's :D
the penguin 330 has two bio wheels, two filter pads and has room on each side to add your own media as well. i really like mine, it does an excellent job :cool:

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