Strange Oto Eyes.

The Mottfish

Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
Bristol, UK.
I don't know if this should be posted here but nevermind.

One of my Oto's eyes seem to be both indented into its head. His eyes are smaller than the other Oto's and he doesn't seem to have a pupil in one of the eyes? :blink: The area around his eye is a pale/pinky red. He seems fine and is acting just like the rest of the Oto's just looks weird.

Could this just be a deformity or could it be a problem? Has any1 experienced anything like this before?

Cheers. :good:
Would you think it would cause problems for the fish? (e.g. Death?)

Can't find anything on t'internet, any1 know of any sites?

I know that with plecos, sunken in eye's indicate an underweight pleco, i believe the same is quite true for oto's. Can you get a pic of the oto?
The Oto's eyes are looking better and aren't 'sunk in' anymore, although the eyes are still very small. I think it maybe blind though. :(

I think it must of been a weight problem as it did seem rather fragile compared to the others but has fattened up now and is looking healthy.

Thanks for your help!

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