strange neon???

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Jul 16, 2004
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Hi all,

I have noticed that one of my neon tetra's has gone a funny shape, he sort of bends in at the start of his tail, almost as if someone has picked him up and bent him in half. He eats well and seems happy enough swimming around, hasnt changed colour and doesnt look sick, should i be worried??? :/

the same thing happened to my oldest tiger barb. She kinda bends in and when she swims her head jiggles around alot. But the others accepted her as the way she was. It's some sort of a spinal problem/growth i think. From what i hear I think it's curable but even if it isn't it will be fine.
i have had a danio with a crooked spine for 1 year, hes fine.

i think deformation of the spine is a symptom of several diseases like tuberculosis, buti'm sure you would have noticed something else wrong with him if that were the case.
how old are your neons? i know one of my guppies do that too~ she is the oldest fish in my tank. her spine is even more intersting that yours i guess. her spine looks likr this : "~~" with 2 s curves, but she is in very good dhape
My neon is about a year old, i think?

If it is some sort of illness, how do i find out which one?

Emz said:
My neon is about a year old, i think?

If it is some sort of illness, how do i find out which one?

just pretend its a old age symptom. i mean 1 yr old fish is consider at its mid life.... neons normally last 2 yrs i heard. if you dun see it losing color,scales, body bloated, eyes bloated then it should be fine
Unfortunately neons ar prone to this......its known as neon tetra disease. for some reason their spine twists leaving them looking like they are hunch backed.

I've heard talk that its caused by a bacterial infection but I've never managed to cure it. I've also read that its a genetic thing caused by over selective breeding.......who knows!!!

Although its called neon tetra disease it can effect other small fish as well.

I tend to buy cardinal tetras instead of neons for 2 reasons:
1) none of my cardinals have ever sufferedfrom this problem.
2) they tend to keep their colour as they get older where neons tend to loose it a little!


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