Strange growth perhaps?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
I just noticed that Nelson has a very small white string hanging form the underside of his body near his neck. It's directly below him, not coming from a gill. It's very small, maybe a little less then a centimeter.

Does anyone know what this could be? I'm not sure if its really attached or just sticking to him..
It might be a parasite, namely and anchor worm. I don't know exactly how to treat and the like, but there should be a pinned article somewhere in the emergency section that could help you out.
I'm about to leave for out of town for a week. My friend is going to feed him while I'm away.. Now I'm afraid that Nelson won't need what ever he needs to get better because I won't be able to be here to take care of him.

[UPDATE] What ever it was it just fell off him. Should I still be worried about it, or him? I'm going to run some water tests right now.
Nitrite, Ammonia, and Nitrate are all 0. I do water changes once every 2 weeks or so. He has a bio-wheel and his tank is bio-cycled.

His pH seems way high. My Low-pH test goes to 7.6 and thats what the water shows. The High-pH goes to 8.8 and I'm not sure what the water says. The color for 8.8 is light purple. The water is VERY dark purple. Does that mean it's even higher then 8.8 pH?

At this point, the thing on his body seems to have fallen off. I'm going to do a water change before I go out of town, but should I be concearned about the pH?

Also, there is some new strange allgae in his tank. Before, some brown allgae showed up on the plants. It started dissapearing when I decreased the ammount of light. Now, on the very tall plants that reach the surface and are somewhat exposed to the air are growing a very very green stringy allgae. Is this any danger or just another form of allgae to not worry about? Do I need to trim back my plants because they are being exposed to air and that's causing the growth?

As always, thanks everyone.
On a bright note, I just changed his water and he quickly took to hiding behind a plant when I was finished. In other words, he's doing his usual retuine of "You messed with my home and now I'm mad at you!".

He's so cute :wub:
Could it have been poop? Betta poop from their "neck", right behind their ventral fins... I only mention this because I didn't know where bettas poop from until only a few weeks ago.
Their poop is usually a brown color. I think white poop is usually a sign of an interior bacterial (I can't spell) infection. Maybe someone a little more knowledgable can shine some more light on this. If it was hanging from between the 2 long thin fins that hang down (ventrals?) it was probably poop.
time for some betta anatomy!! :D bettas poop from here:


unless nelson continues to poop white poo i wouldn't be too worried about it, if it happens constnatly it could be a sign of bacterial infection.

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