Fish Addict
I was at my LFS today, and saw a fish I had never seen before. They were about 1 inch in length, resembled a zebra danio, and its entire body was neon pink. It didn't look dyed. They had a school in a tank for sale, and they also had a few in the store's huge freshwater display tank.
The coloring on the fish would make you think of marine fish, it was just that colorful and bright. The name did not suggest that the fish were dyed, however I cannot remember their name.
It was one word - started with a C and had a P in there somewhere. The name was about 5 or 6 letters in length. These fish had a horrible case of ich, and had clamped fins and everything.
They might have been dyed (if so, it was by dipping, not injection), but they really didn't look like it. The pink looked natural. All of them were a solid neon pink, no blues or yellows or anything.
Any clue as to what these fish are? Sorry I can't remember the name! I had never heard of the name before, so it didn't stick in my mind very well
The coloring on the fish would make you think of marine fish, it was just that colorful and bright. The name did not suggest that the fish were dyed, however I cannot remember their name.
It was one word - started with a C and had a P in there somewhere. The name was about 5 or 6 letters in length. These fish had a horrible case of ich, and had clamped fins and everything.
They might have been dyed (if so, it was by dipping, not injection), but they really didn't look like it. The pink looked natural. All of them were a solid neon pink, no blues or yellows or anything.
Any clue as to what these fish are? Sorry I can't remember the name! I had never heard of the name before, so it didn't stick in my mind very well