Strange Fish Behaviours


New Member
Mar 28, 2004
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If it's not one thing its another lately.

OK, I have what I think is a problem and I don't know what it is.

I have an aquarium with Barbs, and about a week ago, I noticed a change in their behaviours. It started with my Barbs almost body slamming my Red Tailed Shark. At first I thought the Shark was unwell, and the barbs were just taking the opportunity to finish him off.
Anyway, the shark seems to be still going OK, but the barbs have been doing this behaviour of hitting their sides against the plants and driftwood in the tank.
Also, the Tiger Barb, 3 Green Tigers and 2 Golden Tigers are doing this strange thing of tilting head down, fanning out their fins to full stretch and shaking along side each other. It's been going on for about a week now and I'm not sure what it is.
The Green Tigers have also changed their colour from almost black to this really bright light green colour, totally opposite to what they have been like before. Even the Tiger Barb has faded in colour also, but this appears to change daily. One minute bright dark colours, then next faded in colour.

My first though was that there was something wrong with the water, so I tested for PH, Nitrites, and Ammonia, and all came up perfect. I did my usual weekly water change just in case, but nothing really seemed to change in their behaviours.

I feed them twice a day, and they go berserk everytime for food, so they appear to be eating normally, and respond well when they know its feeding time.

Is there anything wrong or is something else going on that I don't know about?

I need some help.
I am not sure, but since everything sounds alright could this be breeding behaviour? They seem to be showing off to each other and acting agreesively. They could be breeding. Not sure though.

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