Strange Fish Behavior For A Tiger Barb?


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
Sometimes I notice a tiger barb swimming almost vertically for a few seconds, and even almost upside down, before getting back on course to his regular, horizontal position. it's almost like he's losing control.

It just looks a bit funny. Is this normal behavior? Its the same fish.
How long has he been doing it?

If its just for a few seconds, then I wouldnt be too worried. I have tiger barbs and they sometimes swim erratically, vertically, round and round, the carry on as normal, they are a little wacky!

If he starts to do it more often or cannot 'right' himself, then its something to be concerned about.

He is eating normally? Pooin' normally?
the vertical posing is a way for males to attract females,
this is normal behaviour and nothing to worry about
I cant say that he looks sick, he looks just fine, from what I can tell. And he doesn't do it all the time. I also think he is actually a male, red tipped nose and fin.

anyway, thanks for your replies!
the vertical posing is a way for males to attract females,
this is normal behaviour and nothing to worry about
where'd you read about that?
I didn't read it, I gained the knowledge from owning, observing and verifying my observations with
a well know ichthyologist and also with the owner of the largest UK wholesalers, who himself has breed
more barb species than you or I can name
Yeah all sounds normal to me. My barbs are very active most of the time. and then they all stop nose down. (resting?????) anyway mine are about two years old now and have always done this.
How long can barbs live for??


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