New Member
Hi Fishforums Admin,
I've noticed that emails from Fishforums.net go right into my spam filter.
I looked into this and it seems you're not sending emails to me from drift.ing.me.uk ([]) which claims it is in Germany.
Is this right?
My spam filter checks to see if the helo string of your email server matches the domain and well as you can see it doesn't.
It appears to be coming from. But it isn't! It's coming via the Netherlands.
It has no appearance of actually coming from fishforums.net. Does it?
Assuming it is legal. wouldn't it be better to have a real standing from: address on fishforums.net using this domain?
At the moment it has no route back to Fishforums.net.
drift.ing.me.uk is an odd address actually from the Netherlands. So why is fishforums doing this? Do they know they're putting out odd emails?
The helo statement is suppose to match the domain it's coming from.
Seems odd to me that there a gmail address in there? Surely an Admin of this web site should be using the fishforums domain? Even it then forwards privately to the gmail address?
I'm a IT engineer by trade so these things worry me.
Here is a typical header I got.
Obviously I can whitelist this. But it seems an odd way to do email.
I've noticed that emails from Fishforums.net go right into my spam filter.
I looked into this and it seems you're not sending emails to me from drift.ing.me.uk ([]) which claims it is in Germany.
Is this right?
My spam filter checks to see if the helo string of your email server matches the domain and well as you can see it doesn't.
It appears to be coming from. But it isn't! It's coming via the Netherlands.
It has no appearance of actually coming from fishforums.net. Does it?
Assuming it is legal. wouldn't it be better to have a real standing from: address on fishforums.net using this domain?
At the moment it has no route back to Fishforums.net.
drift.ing.me.uk is an odd address actually from the Netherlands. So why is fishforums doing this? Do they know they're putting out odd emails?
The helo statement is suppose to match the domain it's coming from.
Seems odd to me that there a gmail address in there? Surely an Admin of this web site should be using the fishforums domain? Even it then forwards privately to the gmail address?
I'm a IT engineer by trade so these things worry me.
Here is a typical header I got.
Return-Path: <@gmail.com>
X-Gradwell-POP3: delivered to <[email protected]> at Sun, 7 Jun 2009 21:29:21 +0100
X-Envelope-To: [email protected]
X-Forwarding-To: [email protected]
Delivered-To: [email protected]
X-Envelope-To: [email protected]
X-Forwarding-To: [email protected]
Delivered-To: [email protected]
X-Gradwell-Mailfilter: Header filter rule X-Gradwell-Warning contains helo matched
X-Gradwell-Mailfilter: redirected to [email protected] by 5338
Received: from sov-mail-b0016.gradwell.net [] by denali.stor.gradwell.net
(Gradwell pop3-delivery-daemon); Sun, 7 Jun 2009 21:29:21 +0100
Received: from drift.ing.me.uk ([] helo=drift country=DE)
by sov-mail-b0016.gradwell.net with esmtp (Gradwell gwh-smtpd 1.290) id 4a2c2320.32c.2
for [email protected]; Sun, 7 Jun 2009 21:29:20 +0100
(envelope-sender <>)
Received: from localhost ([])
by drift with smtp (Exim 4.69)
(envelope-from <>)
id 1MDPHA-0005Jf-Jl
for [email protected]; Sun, 07 Jun 2009 22:47:32 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Sun, 07 Jun 2009 22:47:32 +0200
From: "Tropical Fish Forums" <>
To: [email protected]
Subject: [!X-Gradwell-Warning] Your new password Tropical Fish Forums ( Tropical Fish Forums )
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: IPB PHP Mailer
Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Message-Id: <E1MDPHA-0005Jf-Jl@drift>
X-Gradwell-Warning: helo drift (no domain) from
This email has been sent from http://www.fishforums.net/index.php.
This email completes your lost password request.
Obviously I can whitelist this. But it seems an odd way to do email.