Strange dream


Fish Addict
Feb 1, 2004
Reaction score
Nashville, TN, USA
I've been considering getting another aquarium so I can try out plants, rocks, and some larger fish (I've been thinking about gourami). I fell asleep for a few moments this evening (had a long day), and I had a dream in which I had set up a tank containing Blue Gourami and Dwarf Gourami. I watched in absolute horror as one of the Blues swallowed a Dwarf whole. I woke up screaming "NOOO!"

It was clearly a dream because there was a very Pac Man-esque quality to the devouring of the dwarf gourami. The blue was swimming around with a huge abdominal bulge. I'm so obsessed!
Sorry, that made me laugh pretty hard..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

just last night i had a vivid dream that everyone at work had a tank like mine, on their desks. my fish weren't doing too well cos i kept handling them too much (carrying them around the office in my hands). and i looked down at my desk and some of my fish were flopping around on it - not on their sides but the right way up - and a bit later i was walking past my desk and one of the albino cories had fallen off the desk to the floor and i walk on it and squished it. fortunately it came back to life again after i put it back in water

it was so real :S
in your dream you walked around holding your fish in your hands and steped on one yet "it seemed so real"

the ASPCA might have something to say about that

:rofl: pcn

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