strange collection


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2003
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Because my 3ft tank is overstocked i basically have to buy a new one to house some of my (going to be) big oddball fish.

the tank i am planning on getting is 120cm long x 40cm wide x 49cm high
and the fish i am planning on keeping in it include :

a polypterus senegalus
a black ghost knifefish
a purple spotted gudgeon
an albino shark
a firemouth

Would this be ok and could you recommend an algae-eater and if space any other fish or non-fish (Shrimps etc.) i could buy to put in with them.

I don't think they will be any problems with compatibility because they all live together with other fishes in harmony (well except for the two male firemouths who bully each other thats why i am separating them)



Id recomend a pair of bristlenoses to clean up algea, they will be big enough to avoid being eaten by the BGK or bichir, anything under 3" is going to be a snack. Most shrimps or crabs will be seen as food too, those that are too big to be eaten will probably eat your fish!!!
Because my 3ft tank is overstocked i basically have to buy a new one to house some of my (going to be) big oddball fish.

I love this excuse, I'm currently working on this to try and rehouse some of the fish in my 10 gal. Also the table I built for my 3' tank just happens to have a shelf underneath that a 2' tank would fit exactly I wonder how that happned.... :p Now to think of something that would go really well underneath my (soon to be) Puffer tank.

How big will your Black Ghost Knife fish grow???
A ghost lover !!!! GREAT !!!! I have to tell you though that the ghost could get to be as big as 50-55 cm. So far my own ghost is 18 to 19 cm and I am hoping to grow him into a MONSTER !!! :lol: I just can't get enough of him. I love being able to go and get him an earth worm....sometimes I think he must be an Italian the way he slurps them up. :D Anyways please keep us updated on how big your ghost gets.

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