Strange Chaeto Coloration


Crazy Crab Lady
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
I've got Chaeto in all my tanks, all of it is grown from the same original handful. I have a clump in my 1 gallon bowl, and one startand for some reason developed small red sections. The rest is growing normally. I thought maybe the red spots on this strand had were the result of damage, but it is continuing to grow in alternating red and green sections. I've been letting it grow out of curiosity, but am not sure if it's something I should be concerned about. Near as I can tell it's not something growing on the Chaeto turning it red in those places. Any ideas? I wondered if it was getting ready to release spores, but it just seems to keep growing instead. If my digicam will cooperate later on I'll try to post a pic of it.
Wierd, mine grows red cyanobacteria on it sometimes, but never gets red itself :unsure:
I've seen the cyano growing on it in another tank, but this is different. It really looks strange lol. Still trying to get a clear pic of it.
This is the best my extreemly old cruddo camera can do at close range. The red spots, with examination under higher magnification, seem to be fully red "segments" (the little sections a mm or two long that chaeto naturally grows in) clustered together but sometimes just alone with green on either side. There doesn't seem to be any gradient in the's just red or green.

could be dead spots

I don't think it's dead spots...there's no decay going on and there are plenty of little bugs in the tank that eat any macro that starts to wilt, Chaeto included. I'm starting to wonder if it's more like the speckled corn case, since it's only chaeto grown from that one section that continues to display the coloration. Either that or its some disease, but so far it seems healthy :unsure:

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