Strange behavour - Tiger Barb

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May 23, 2004
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I have two Tiger Barbs, one seems to be happy swimming around, but the other seems to be "hovering", i.e. just flicking his rear fin and maintaining the one position. When fish come near him, he swims around however he soon goes back to "hovering". I noticed his top fin looks less red then the other Tiger Barb also. He ate fine before, and I can't see any other problems, so what could be the reason for this behavour?

I have nil ammonia, nil nitrite and some (enough to do a water change) nitrate readings. These are new fish (got em' thismorning), could it be stress?

Any help you can give me is appreciated :)
Did you know that tiger barbs have to be kept in a shoal from between 8-10? I had two tiger barbs...real bad experiance. One of them kill my guppy and the other tiger barbs too. I didn't know much about fish then... Many you should buy some more tiger barbs.
Yeah I might get a couple more, however the Zebra Danios I have in the tank don't seem to be fased. Theres only 4 fish in there. Oh, its a 19g tank btw :)
Ok, so I have come to the conclusion that the Tiger Barbs may have "Black Spot". I looked at them both and they do appear to have black spots on them. What is the best treatment for "Black Spot", and should I isolate these two fish and treat them or should I just treat the whole tank?

Thanks, Rob

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