Strange Behaviour


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
I have a 25gal tank, and 3 Bronze Cories in it(planning to get 1 or 2 more). I also have 2 Blue Rams and 4 Neons. I know, I know, my tank isn't even half full, but I finished my cycle a week ago and don't want to go crazy adding fish. Anyways, this 1 cory keep on swimming up and down, while pressing his face against the glass. He(or she) is the only one that does this, and its not like he does it once, he does it almost all the time. Only when he sleeps or eats he doesn't do it, but the rest of the time, thats what he is up to.

Now my water stats:
0 Ammonia
0 Nitrite
10 Nitrate
7.6 pH
Temp: 81F

I have sand as substrate, with some bog wood, a cave, and live plants. All the other fish are happy, its just that this one is weird...Is there anything wrong?
Well Tim, its just not that unusual for a fish to have a favorite spot that it goes over and over. I see it more often with livebearers but then again I keep more livebearers so it makes sense I'd see it there more.
hi tim1
your temps to high for bronze corydoras it should be between 73 -75 and it is best to do more regula water changes until you get the Nitrate down aswell drop youe tem down gradually :good:
Sorry Drewry, I missed the high temp. I don't know how to ever get nitrates below 10, mine are higher than that from the tap so I didn't see that as a problem with Tim's water.
10 is low for nitrates. Up to 30 is considered acceptable I believe. Bronze can take that temp, but it is higher than necessary. The oxygen is lower at higher temps and the ammonia is more toxic. It also affects the ph. So 70's is a safer moderate temp.

Corys love the glass dance. When you add more hopefully the whole crew will do it for you.

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