Hypan addict
Well was staring into my latest spawn tank tonight. I fed the little ones who hatched on xmas eve with bbs and they were having fun hunting them down. Fed daddy his bloodworms which he was eating with relish. So I carried on and fed everyone else in the fishroom then went back to stare at the little ones just because they are gorgeous
Well, the male suddenly started to move to the middle of the tank and then move his pectoral fins very quickly and then his whole body started to vibrate. The fry started to dart towards daddy as if he was a magnet!
He gathered them all up in his mouth and then proceeded to swim up and down one side of the tank for 5 minutes. I thought the little devil had eaten them but no, slowly 2 by 2 he spat them out after every pass down the side of the tank. As usual poor little mites swam out dazed after being in his mouth and then went back to hunting bbs
Was wondering if anyone else has noticed daddy "calling" the fry to him like this?
A photo of daddy aka Warren. Its his first spawn with his sister and my first F2

Well, the male suddenly started to move to the middle of the tank and then move his pectoral fins very quickly and then his whole body started to vibrate. The fry started to dart towards daddy as if he was a magnet!

Was wondering if anyone else has noticed daddy "calling" the fry to him like this?
A photo of daddy aka Warren. Its his first spawn with his sister and my first F2