iv noticed my copper female betta scrating herself alot on gravel and the plastic plants. i cant really c anything on her but im a little cocerned about y she is doing this. she didn't used to and my ct girl is plump full of eggs and now has trouble getting around, what are some symptoms of eggbound? when i got her she was huge but now shes gotten even bigger im a tad worryed about that to. any info is greatly apprisiated
is that scraping?
Could be the early signs of ich or some sort of external parasite. Change her water,give her a pinch of salt and keep her warmer.
If you feel she is eggbound,you should fast her for a day or two.
thanx for the help, ill do all that. my female isn't egbound i dont think, sjhe dropped a large number of eggs last night, im releived. thanx for the help guys!