Strange Behavior


New Member
Apr 15, 2006
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Got two albino corys yesterday and ever since all they do is swim around the tank full speed. They go up and down the sides and back and forth. Aren't they supposed to sit on the bottom?
My corys do the same thing, they like to swim a lot, then they get tired and rest. Corys are very active fish. Feeding time is crazy. during night they rest on the bottom and sometimes during daylight also when they haven't had food in a long time and stop looking for it
Right before they spawn cories go almost insane and swim up and down the walls over and over again. If you got more, they'd be even more crazy. Watch for some eggs soon!
I just never seen these do anything but sit on the bottom. Glad to know it's normal though.
Sounds normal to me. Young cories are very active, swimming all about the tank all the time. They should calm down the older they get.

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