Strange animals...


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
State of Fear
I am gifted with very strange and wonderful animals...or at least, strange if not wonderful :p

Greyhound (Love) with a Big Ear problem

Furbee--also suffering from WES (Wierd Ear Syndrome)
My cute widdle toadie!! Not little for long, though--he gets the size of a baseball glove!

And this little kitty's favorite pastime is being naughty. He's really good at it, too (in case you can't tell)!
What nice looking family members you have!
I love greyhounds, and of course have a soft spot for froggies and toads!
What beautiful colourings! :wub:
Is he a pacman?
Never2Bknown said:
And this little kitty's favorite pastime is being naughty. He's really good at it, too (in case you can't tell)!
Nah, not him! He looks like he's thinking or saying, 'Who, me? I would never do something like that!' He looks kinda like my husband's kitty - even has the black chin spot!

Cute dogs! Those ears :lol: And the froggie is cute too :)
Froggy! I want him! I want him! I dooooo!

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :lol:

If he goes missing, I'm not involved...


... :whistle:

EDIT: POTM for your toadie! :wub: :kana:

I THINK that she's a Basenji/Chihuahua mix, but there's no telling for sure. I found her in an animal shelter; skin and bones, covered with ticks and fleas and her ears all scabbed up with flybites. I'm glad I took her home, though; she has a lot of the hunting instinct of the Basenji (she's caught a rabbit, before--surprising seeing as the rabbit was half the size she is) but she has none of the bad temperament of either Basenji or Chihuahua. She's just mush; loves nothing better than to be cuddled and held. I'm pretty certain that she's part Basenji; but considering her sweet personality, she could be anything.

Oh, and Puffer Freak--yep, he's my pacman. I think I'll be keeping a closer watch on him from now on... :sly: Maybe I'll get Furbee to guard him. She's a really ferocious watchdog, she is!!! :whistle:
Mua ha ha ha ha! It's no use pretending! I have...

...a secret weapon...

...its some...

...yes, I have more than one... treats...

...Muah ha ha ha ha!

One day me a Mr Froggy will rule the world! And then who'll be asking their giant killer robot to keep watch!

:hooray: <~~~~~ Mr King of the Universe


I am the one and only frog girl!

Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! :flex: :kana:
:rofl: :rofl:

You are a very very interesting person...

$15 and a 5-10g with a nice dirt/peatmoss substrate and an undertank heater will get you a pacman, though. Only have to feed 'em once every few weeks, too. And they STILL stay fat!!!

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