Storing Saltwater


Apr 30, 2006
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Pennsylvania, USA
Hey guys and gals, almost finished breaking down my 90 gallon. I was wondering, can I siphon some water into 5 gallon buckets and store it for any length of time for water changes on my 12g nano?

It'd save money on salt and stuff.
Hey guys and gals, almost finished breaking down my 90 gallon. I was wondering, can I siphon some water into 5 gallon buckets and store it for any length of time for water changes on my 12g nano?

It'd save money on salt and stuff.
Freshly made seawater is easy to store. Siphoning off and storing used SW with organic material in it? Bleh. SH
Freshly made seawater is easy to store. Siphoning off and storing used SW with organic material in it? Bleh. SH

I was under the impression that not much organic material/bacteria was actually stored in the water.
You could try it. My only concern, like Steelhealr, would be what is actually dissolved in it already. If there is sufficient organic matter in the water, this could cause ammonia levels to rise. This wouldn't be broken down since there is no bacteria or circulation. There may also be traces of nitrates and phosphates in the water already too.

If you do go ahead, it would be a good idea to test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrates and phosphates before adding it to your new tank. Providing the containers are water tight, you should get no increase in SG due to evapouration.

Storing RO isn't a problem. Storing fresh saltwater is ok too. Storing used saltwater does carry potential risks.
you hear of people storing salt water from water changes to use in a new setup over a period of weeks to aid in filling their upgrade though.
Ren, you're quite right in that sense. When starting from fresh, the used, stored saltwater would be fine. As its only live rock in the setup's most of the time, the potential ammonia contained in the water isn't a problem, as it will eventually be broken down into nitrates by the bacteria in the live rock.

The problem is when you have an established tank with corals and livestock. Doing a water change that is designed to kick nitrates and replenish trace elements and replacing it with water than may contain ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, could potentially kill your livestock. This is what Jtnova is considering doing, to save money on salt and ro water. This is why I suggest that he tests the water in the individual buckets before adding it to the 12G nano, if he does decide to try re-using the water from his 90G.

Any nitrites, nitrates and phosphates that are in the water from the 90G will remain. Any dissolved or undissolved organic matter that is in the water from the 90G may break down into ammonia in the buckets and remain as ammonia.
yes didnt think of it in that sense, as new setups are left for weeks for the liverock to cure properly.....ignore me my taxi is waiting lol

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