Stoking Tank


Fish Gatherer
May 7, 2010
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I am moving my 4 swordtail, 3 guppies and bristlenose plec to a bigger tank soon,
and will be getting new fish any stoking ideas?
i will defo be getting glasscatfish!
Telling us how big the tank is would help =P

When you move the fish make sure you move the filter as well to preserve the beneficial bacteria!
I also have two glass ctafish, make sure you give them some shaded areas, mine love them! Apparently they like to be in 3's or 4's.
Glass catfish should be in shoals of 6 or more, like other shoaling fish. They also get to 5 inches or so and should be kept in large 3 foot tanks or even bigger
Then a school of 6-8 glass cats would be fine. Maybe even a few more, if you don't want too many different species in the tank.

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