

New Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Oregon USA
I have had this 10USG tank for about four months. Right now I have 3 guppies and 2 peppered cories. I had two Ottos die on me after a week or two of intro. 1 rubber lip pleco also died after a week. These fish were not added at the same time. I have a fair bit of algea which does not seem to be a problem but I would like to add a fish that could help me take care of it. I have seen my guppies eating the algea at times but not enough.

Any suggestions?
The only algae eater that really fits in that tank is an Otto. However ottos are very sensitive and the water quality must be good for them to survive. What are your water parameters?
You my want to try amano shrimp. I have not tried them yet as they are hard to find around here but everyone that has them seems to love them. All profiles I have read on them say they are great albae eaters.They also create very little bioload so it's almost a free fish as far as stocking is concerned. I you do decide to go with them though, get them from a trusted LFS as some stores sell ghost shrimp and say they are amanos. Ghost shrimp are pretty much just scavengers and will not eat algae.
I recommend your stocking as the following:

3 guppies
4 peppered cories
3 Amano Shrimp

Your guppies will breed like crazy so be ready for lots of fry!
however, if you do get the shrimp, be veryveryvery careful about any subsequent additions. amano shrimp can quickly become expensive snack food! guppies and corys should be fine, but check before adding any other fish.
I do 25% water changes every week and parameters are very stable. I was at a local tropical fish store today and saw some Khuli loaches. They are nice. May be I could keep a couple. I also have two 10g HOB filters so they keep the water pretty clean.

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