
Meggie :)

Fish Addict
Jun 10, 2011
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Hey all...

I have decided to set up my fifty gallon soon. The dimensions are: 48"(l) x 18"(h) x 13"(w)... I was originally going to do a community tank with guppies, mollies, tetras, etc. but I have recently been getting very interested in the german blue rams and other amazing fish like this one...

I was planning on the tank being a planted tank with manzanita wood, maybe some baby tear carpeting going on. My tap water PH runs at about this suitable for the German blue ram?

It is not for sure that I would stock with these, just want to see some different options besides livebearers...what stocking would you suggest if I got german blue rams? Would the set up I am planning be okay for them? Are they really hard to keep? If German blue rams are not right for me, is there another beautiful species of fish you can suggest? (I am not really up for having a full on cichlid tank with no plants, just rocks, yet...)

I am researching, but I also want to hear the opinions of those on TFF who have kept these fish before...

Thank you for any comments/suggestions.

Any other kind of fish you can maybe suggest for me?

That's a bummer :(
You PH is a little too high for most of the smaller American Cichlids so you would have to look into lowering it with either peat in your filter, a product such as ph down or loads and loads of bogwood.

Bolivian Rams are usually more tollerant of water parameters and can be just as beautiful. Take a look at Nathan Prince's pictures in the members aquarium section, totally stunning!

Most Tetra's would prefer a lower, more acidic ph too. :/
Well I guess I'm stuck to my original plan then... :/

Maybe in my next tank (if I ever get one) I can try some dwarf cichlids..

How is this?

Balloon mollies: 4
Guppies: 6
Neon tetras: 15
Shrimp: No idea...maybe 20?

I don't know, what else?

Too bad I can't do discus :(
I'm gonna disagree with you Minnt about the GBRs in higher pHs. If you can find local, tank-bred rams they would probably be okay. My area's pH is very similar and I have GBRs and they've even bred a couple times (not successfully though, tank mates ate the babies.) Though if you want something more hardy you can get Bolivian rams instead. :)
Well maybe I will try to lower the ph...what are suitable tank mates for them? And what about Apistos? I know they need a lower PH but is it about the same as a GBR? Which one do you prefer?

Thank you for all of your help by the way!
I preffer Bolivians. :lol:

Personally would go with Bolivian Rams or Keyholes, then a shoal of nice Tetra's such as Rosy Tetra's or Harlequin Rasbora's with a group of Corydoras and a nice Plec such as a Clown Pleco or a small group of Pitbull or Bulldog Pleco's. No reason to not have a trio of 3 livebearers such as Platies.
Thanks so much! What kind of set up would I need? Plants, wood, moss...?

And as for the PH, I have PH down...would I just add that with the water conditioner every time I added water?

Why do you prefer the Bolivians may i ask?
Because they're a little more forgiving of water parameters if i make a booboo...

No experience of using PH down as mine is pretty neutral so with the help of a little bogwood i'm fine for the fish i keep.

As for tank setup, i would like to create something like this:



I would use plenty of Crypts and Java Fern though and that would probably be me done.
So lots of wood, and some plants, but not a jungle basically? and could I keep something like balloon mollies or dalmation mollies with them?

And when you mentioned putting peat in the filter to lower PH, would that be for an external and is it just another layer I would put in with the sponge etc. ? I know nothing about externals but am planning on getting a fluval that filter good for a fifty gallon?
Sounds like a great filter for a 50 gallon tank. :good:

You can get peat in little netted bags which you just add into the filter. I've never done it, but it works. :good:

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