

New Member
May 21, 2011
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I am in the process of setting up a new tank (55 gallon). I have a pair of severum and a feather fin squeaker going in. Both are small at the present time. I am looking for some active / colorful fish to add to the tank. A few people have mentioned tetras and barbs.

I also have a 29 gallon with 1m and 4f kribensis. There are not aggressive even when breeding. I am looking for the same type of fish for this tank.

I though I would stop in here and get a few recommendations. Thanks in advance!
One reason that occurs to me, is that the question you ask is far from easy to answer. You have two big, large mouthed cichlids, and a big, large mouthed catfish. The easy answers for active, colourful fish are not going to work really, because your other fish will destroy them in a fairly short space of time. There are barbs and tetras large enough to stand up to these things, but these are mostly not active colourful fish. As gregarious fish, a group of large tetras or barbs is going to run you into stock level problems, which frankly, you might have already.
Both severum are quite small at present time. I have had them in a 29 gallon for a couple of months as well as the catfish. I am aware they will grow quite large but I am willing to upgrade as time goes on. As far as tank mates I have done a little research and browsed a few other forums. I am going with 8-10 lemon tetra or congo tetra.

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