Hi folks,
I was wondering if I could have some advice on my tank stocking idea I am toying with.
Currently I have a 260l community tank with various cories, brisltenose, glowlight tetra, glass cats etc... a 190 corner tank which houses my green severum, 2 dwarf acara (laetecara flavilabris I believe) 5 black widow tetras, 1 pictus cat and a bristlenose. I have also got a juvenile nicaraguan ciclid in this tank currenlty.
I also have a 65l tank which currenlt houses 2 juve keyhole cichlids which eventually brings me onto my question.
If I rescape the 260l tank in my front room and provide plenty of caves and refuge in the form of plants, wood and rocks, would the Sev, nicaraguan, dwarf acaras and the keyholes be ok in the same tank? I would also be adding the pictus and a couple of BN's do you think this would be ok? I was thinking the instead of the black widow tetras I would add some bosemani rainbows as dithers also.
Let me know your thoughts on this stocking? It will be filtered using 2 no fluval 305's plus the internal juwel filter also with weekly 30% maintenance water change.
I was wondering if I could have some advice on my tank stocking idea I am toying with.
Currently I have a 260l community tank with various cories, brisltenose, glowlight tetra, glass cats etc... a 190 corner tank which houses my green severum, 2 dwarf acara (laetecara flavilabris I believe) 5 black widow tetras, 1 pictus cat and a bristlenose. I have also got a juvenile nicaraguan ciclid in this tank currenlty.
I also have a 65l tank which currenlt houses 2 juve keyhole cichlids which eventually brings me onto my question.
If I rescape the 260l tank in my front room and provide plenty of caves and refuge in the form of plants, wood and rocks, would the Sev, nicaraguan, dwarf acaras and the keyholes be ok in the same tank? I would also be adding the pictus and a couple of BN's do you think this would be ok? I was thinking the instead of the black widow tetras I would add some bosemani rainbows as dithers also.
Let me know your thoughts on this stocking? It will be filtered using 2 no fluval 305's plus the internal juwel filter also with weekly 30% maintenance water change.