Stocking Tl550


New Member
Jan 19, 2011
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hey guys,
ive just set up one of the tl550 tanks(holds 128L). just waiting for it to cycle now and have started thinking about fish. i want a pair of occelaris clowns and a coral beauty but not sure what else yet. any ideas?
i will have an anenome and a number of corals in the tank too so must be reef safe.
:hi: to TFF and the salty side of the hobby

You might want to reconsider the coral beauty as they are not always reef safe! I would be looking for a blenny or goby for the bottom and then maybe a firefish, would even consider an orchid dottyback, but they tend to be seasonal, so you may need to wait for one of those. I love my scarlet hawk, but he does take small snails and shrimps!

Seffie x

ps how about starting a journel?
Don't forget that when your clowns are a few years old they will try to claim the tank as theirs, esp if they start breeding. You might not be able to add anything after that. Clowns are demons when mature :X

ps. They can also draw blood as they attack you when you go in the tank for routine maintenance!
Hey, kj23502, have you got any suggestions for fish?

Dan, There's loads of options (of which PJ's are just one!)...

Firefish (The Helfrichi is a particular favourite)
Royal Gramma
Purple Dottyback
Court Jester Goby
Clown green goby
pygmy/possum/peacock/Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse

Personally, I'd go for a wrasse!
I like the Mccoskers flasher wrasse and if you go for a dottyback look at an orchid, they are less nasty than others!

DS, you have expensive tastes in firefish :p

Seffie x
ok so that's about 33 usg. hmmm where do I start?

I would do a Canary wrasse (H. Chrysus), Coral Beauty angel and a royal gramma for a variation of color. Could do a yellow watchman goby or a flame hawk for bottom or rock hopping critters. Could do a bicolor blenny (Ecsenius bicolor), Midas Blenny (Ecsenius midas), or Tail Spot Blenny (Ecsenius stigmatura). Chalk Bass (Serranus tortugarum). I'd say about 5 fish max if you're running a skimmer.

Seffie I don't think this tank is near big enough for a male to strut his stuff for a female, but they are pretty.
This is an interesting read as u currently have 5 fish in my 550 but 3 of them are damsels so they are going back to the lfs.
I would like a firefish and royal gramma but wrasses are growing on me.

I will def keep an eye on this topic.
thanks for the replies, havent been on for a while.

so the tank has cycled and i have added a pair of ocellaris clowns a 3-4 weeks ago and they are goin great. ive got an anemone (i got it just before the clowns) in there which they are hosting and is really healthy and a few corilamorphs.

im thinking of adding a lawnmower blenny to help clean the tank a little and want some sort of feature fish in there (like the coral beauty). what wrasse would suit this tank? still need to add some more corals too.

thanks again
what wrasse would suit this tank?

there are lots of stunning flasher wrasses that would go well in a tank that size

another good nano bet is the sixline wrasse, although you need to be careful about when you add it as they can be very aggressive

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