Stocking Suggestions


Back Again
May 19, 2004
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Well, I'm back to trying to stock my 46g again. I've had some really bad luck with compatibility in the past so I've gone through several set ups thanks to my wonderful lfs.

The recent disasters have left me with my 14 cories and my neons. I had 10, got 2 out but now can only count 7 :crazy:

So, basically, I'm going to be redoing my tank around my cories... Can I have more cories or should I stop at 14? :p I know I should stay away from any other bottom feeders b/c I don't want the bottom to be too cramped.

I was thinking....
2 Blood Parrots
7 Neon tetras (the ones I already have)
10 Serpae tetras or Emperor tetras or Harlequin rasboras or tiger barbs

How does that sound? I like having a couple different schools of small fish and then the blood parrots as centerpiece fish. I know they can get big, but have read that 2 would be OK in a 46.

Thanks :)

Oh and PS, I am going to wait til everything settles down in there before I even THINK about actually adding the new fish. I'm going to the lfs tomorrow or Weds for a water test and consultation.

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