Stocking suggestions


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
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Southern U.S.
I've got a 30 gallon with nothing but the pair of 3 Spots, a Blue and an Opaline and nothing else in it. I had a Gold in there but she was the meanest fish I've kept and forced them up in a corner so she's got a planted 10 gallon for herself until I figure out what to do with her.

I was thinking of something to swim around the middle of the tank the Gourami wouldn't fight with and some fish that would be closer to bottom dwellers but not Cories, I have 11 of them in another 30 gallon tank which I plan to stock with some Butterfly Plecos eventually (if I can ever get them) so I'm looking for something new.

I was thinking Khulis but same as the Butterflies, I have to be able to get them first, which anyone who's read the Khuli threads knows are near impossible all over the US at the moment. So barring them there's perhaps Yo-Yo Loaches but not sure on them.

Any other ideas? I haven't got any for what to do for mid-upper water level so any suggestions for that would be good too. I had thought of getting African Butterflies but they're probably too tempting for the Gourami to nip at or the Butterflies would attack anything else that came to the surface.
Okay... here goes... I have..

8x ghost shrimp
2x Blue Gouramis (3 spot)
1x Opaline Gourami
3x Long Finned Zebra Danios
2x Fancy Tail Guppy
2x Somekinda tetra (never could remmember name)
1x Red Tail Shark

Everyone of them gets along peacfully... I added guppies along with danios first... then the gouramis, next the RTS and the tetras...

The gouramis are very friendly to the other fish and nice! BUT one of the bigger gourmi took over a bunch of plants I have in the cornor and wont let the other gourmis in it... oddly he doesn't care of any of the other fish swim around that area :/

Oddly my ghost shrimp have been disapearing.. I can only find 5 of them.. the smaller ones seem to have been eaten... I wonder who?

Hope that helps!!




Hi Teelie

I've kept a school of glowlight tetras with my 3 spot gouramis with no problems at all. Blind Cave tetras also do well as do glass catfish and both are interesting fish to watch.

Kuhlis tend to be seasonal, but my lfs has some in stock right now. Another loach that I've had good luck with is the weather loach aka the dojo loach. They get a little bigger, but bother no one.

Please let me know what you decide on. :D
Ghost Shrimp sound like expensive meals for Gouramis to me though I am tempted to get them for my Cory tank again.

More Gourami is a possibility though I'm looking for diversity. It's strange how they're all the same species (Blue, Gold, Opaline) and yet more aggressive depending on their color.

Long Fin Zebra Danios I like the idea of. They're somewhat "plain" to me as you see them all over but I am not rich so I'll take what I can get. :p

Guppies... have had bad experience with and my girlfriend doesn't want them. Besides they don't even live a year. :no:

Tetras I've thought of. Neons, Glolights, Cardinals, maybe Emperor or Blackskirts but I'm not sure how well they and the Gourami would get along.

Red Tail Sharks I've debated getting too, though maybe in the future though if one will coexist with my Gourami and not get into a territory spat then I may go with that.

Nice pictures too. :)

As to the Weather/Dojo Loach, it gets too big for my tastes at the moment. I don't want anything that grows over 4-5" and those get to something like 9" or 10" and probably out grow a 30 gallon tank. PetCo does have them in stock all the time but I've held off getting them for their size.

Any other suggestions are welcome. I haven't ruled anything out so far besides guppies. :)
Hi Teelie :)

If you don't mind livebearers, platys are a good choice. I've kept them with gouramis and had no problems whatsoever. :D Of course, I never found any fry in the community tank either. :/
I've been close to getting Sunburst Platies before but always held off. I'm still thinking of getting them, though they are live bearers and if I get them, I'd like offspring. :lol: I may go with them in my Cory tank though or another one.
Funny you should mention a dojo loach.. I got one today at petco :).. he's around 5" right now and only cost 4.99 :)

But my RTS is only 2 inches atm and he gets along with the Gourmis just fine.. well they've been tank mates for about a month now...

As for my tetras... they are white skirt??? No clue still but they havn't caused any problems with the Gouramis either..

just my 2 cents ^_^
I'm strongly leaning on the RTS. I did some reading on them and apparently they're only territorial with their own species which is good, though the Pagoda decoration I have was/is "taken" by my Blue so it might be an arguement over housing. :lol:

I have plenty of real and fake plants in the tank and I'm going to add more, both fake and real so at least that'll help give them more territory and hiding spots.
Well down to the Blue female. Somehow my male got himself pinned really well in some rocks in the corner of the tank and died. I was trying to find him while taking pictures and finally did in the front corner. Poor guy, he seemed to be pinned by the rocks as I had to move them to get his body out.

On the positive side I guess that opens me up to more room for fish though I do want to replace him with another male Opaline if possible. Unfortunately there are none in stock around here at the moment.

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