Stocking Suggestions


Mostly New Member
Oct 1, 2013
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Hello,  I am new to this forum and set up a 10 gallon aquarium with currently 1 mystery snail, 1 F. Crowntail betta, 3 black kuhli loaches, 4 endlers and soon 2 ADFs.
My question is: Are there any tetras or other fish that would fit in the tank and can be in schools of 4 if I take out the endlers and if needed the betta? I would like to take the endlers out because they aren't very eye catching in my aquarium.
Please give me a list so I can check if local stores have them.
Not that I know of. You're relatively over stocked at the moment :/
All schooling fish require a school of 6+
If you get rid of the Endlers, it would be best if you could also rehome the Kuhli's, depending on your tank dimensions they might not be suitable, they also require a school of at least 6.
You would then be about fully stocked, though you might be able to get another ADF if you wanted.
I know lots of people say kuhlis need groups of 5 but mine are fine it seems in a group of 3. It doesn't seem overstocked to me but I don't know much. I can't get a bigger tank I have no room or money. Does it seem about 95% stocked because the endlers are only 1 inch.
The tank is a standard ten gallon, not tall or hex. About (l x w x h) 20 by 10 by 12. it seems long enough for them but I am not sure.
Well, seriouslyfish recommends a minimum of 60cmx30cm tank, which yours unfortunately isn't :/
Although yours seem fine, I'm sure that they would be a lot happier with more mates.
Even using the inch per gallon rule, your tank is over stocked :/
IMO, the Kuhli's would be the best to be rehomed :/
I heard kuhlis have a very small bioload and I am removing the 4 endlers and getting a Dwarf gourami to lower the stocking from the 16 inches to 14 to try and help. The dimensions  the tank demensions are close they are 51 by 25 (cm). I understand you though and will try to reduce the fish in the tank. Will 2 ADF 3 Kuhli loaches 1 mystery snail and 1 Dwarf gourami be better?
I'm really sorry, but I really don't think your Kuhli's are suitable, they need a bigger tank and bigger school :/
They would probably be your best bet for reducing your stock.
2 ADF, 1 Mystery snail and a DG would be all I would personally put in there.

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