Stocking Suggestions Please


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2006
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Hey. I have a newly setup tank with dimension 24 inch long. 12 inch wide. 12 inch high...Not sure on the volume of water yet....I have in there only one male betta so how many corydoras should i put in there with it??? Any other stocking suggestions would be greatly appreciated that can go well with my betta in a 2 foot tank....(preferably bottom dwellers)
Thanks in advance
P.S. The tank has no added lights and decor yet....i will add more decor and lights in the near future...
Hi VidVid :)

Corys can be excellent companion fish for bettas if the conditions are right for both fish. Since their needs are somewhat different, it is well you are thinking about this now when you are just getting your tank stocked.

Your tank is a 15 US gallon. Is it already cycled or will you be cycling with fish?

The very first thing I would suggest you do is to get a cover for it. This is important to both keep anything from falling in and to keep the fish from jumping out. Even corys, which sometimes rush up to the surface to gulp a mouthful of air, have been known to misjudge their speed and end up on the floor.

Depending on the size of the corys you get, and the natural nitrates in your tap water, you could probably put 6 or more of them in the tank, along with the betta.
Thanks Inchworm.

My betta was once in a smaller tank about 8 us gallon. That tank was already cycled. I put the betta in a 1 gallon tank for a while using the same water found in the 8 gallon. While it was in the 1gallon, i transferred all the gravel from the 8 gallon plus a little more gravel into its new 15 gallon home. I added the heater and upgraded the internal filter of the 8 gallon to an aquaclear 20. Once new water was added into the 15g i waited a few hours to get to the right temp. and to try to let the beneficial bacteria start to grow out from the re-used gravel. (i used an airstone to speed the process up)....I acclimatised the betta perfectly and now it looks very healthy, happy, eating correctly etc, after 24 hours....I do not know if it is cycled yet but i think its on its way (plus i dont have any test kits but pH)...

My tank does have a stand and does have a hood (but no fluorescent globe)...The substitute light is from a nearby window which luminates the tank quite well with indirect sunlight....I will add decor in the near future....I will probably add the 5-6 small corydoras but is there anything else that i can add to my tank with the corydoras and betta to fully stock it???

Thanks again for any replies :)

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