Stocking Suggestions Fro 3 Gallon?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2005
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Hi Guys!

I purchased a small 3 gallon tank, and need some stocking suggestions. I was thinking about some MGS Snails (for the sand) and maybe some bamboo shrimp.

Anyone else have some suggestions?
Since I asked this question on two diffrent forums a few times this week I can tell you the answer. I have a 10, 20 and 30 Gallon, but want to get a 3 Gallon.

1- one male or Female Betta

2- Ghost Shrimp Community

3- 3 Neon Tetra------- Not recomanded since they are schooling fish and are good in a group of 7 or more.

And thats about it.

Also I know the store has it much more stocked and your thinking that looks cute, a few big and small fish in a 3 Gallon, But the store has it WAY OVER STOCKED.

My store has a table with 2.5 3 and 5 gallon tank for sale with fish in them. In the 3 gallon tank the store has a Platy, Barb and 3 Neon Tetras. WAY OVER STOCKED.
Since I asked this question on two diffrent forums a few times this week I can tell you the answer. I have a 10, 20 and 30 Gallon, but want to get a 3 Gallon.

1- one male or Female Betta

2- Ghost Shrimp Community

3- 3 Neon Tetra------- Not recomanded since they are schooling fish and are good in a group of 7 or more.

And thats about it.

Also I know the store has it much more stocked and your thinking that looks cute, a few big and small fish in a 3 Gallon, But the store has it WAY OVER STOCKED.

My store has a table with 2.5 3 and 5 gallon tank for sale with fish in them. In the 3 gallon tank the store has a Platy, Barb and 3 Neon Tetras. WAY OVER STOCKED.

Well, I really just want to do inverts and you know if there would be an issue with doing that? (2 MGS snails and a few bamboo shrimp)
I wouldnt put bamboo shrimp in such a small tank, they feed on small particles in the water and im not sure they need a mature tank that is a bit larger so they have enough to eat, you could try things like ghost, amano, cherry, CRS, bee shrimp and theres others im sure.
If you're worried about anaerobic pockets, just keep the sandbed small. You probably can't have much of one in a 3g anyways.
If you're worried about anaerobic pockets, just keep the sandbed small. You probably can't have much of one in a 3g anyways.

True...I have about an Inch to and Inch and a half of subtrate in there, do you think that is too much?
Lol..I mean MTS (Malaysian Trumpet Snails) I just wish there was something else I could get that would stir up the sand without reproducing like crazy.

MTS don't reproduce like crazy at lower temperatures(22-24 celcius) and they shouldent if you don't over feed and keep the tank clean :) .

I actually want mine to reproduce but the tank they are in is at 23 celcius so they wont :rolleyes: .

EDIT:Ok, i retract that statement, I've seen a baby one and im sure theres more in the sand :D .

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