Stocking Suggestions For 4x2x2' Tank


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
UK, Nr Chester

I'm going to be getting a nice new tank in the next month or so, 4x2x2'
And I'm looking at stocking levels, here is my suggested list:

- Polypterus Senegalus x 2
- Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri x 1 OR P. Delhezi x 2 (As endlicheri are not as common)
- Channa gachua x 3
- Clownloach x 2
- Synodontis Ocellifer x 1
- L001 x 1
- L168 x 1
- Bristlenose Plec x 1
- Peacock Eel x 2

Other Possible additions:
- Oscar x 1
- Lime Shovelnose x 1

Any views on this, would this be ok for stocking and any other suggestions on fish for the tank?

fter speaking to CFC in chat this is the revised list:

• Polypterus Senegalus x 2
• Polypterus Delhezi x 2
• Channa gachua x 3 – FROM CFC
• Clownloach x 2 – Need 1 more
• Synodontis Ocellifer x 1
• L001 x 1
• L168 x 1
• Bristlenose Plec x 1
• Peacock Eel x 2
• False Siamese tiger fish (Coius microlepis) x 1
• Male Firemouth Cichlid x 1
fter speaking to CFC in chat this is the revised list:

• Polypterus Senegalus x 2
• Polypterus Delhezi x 2
• Channa gachua x 3 – FROM CFC
• Clownloach x 2 – Need 1 more
• Synodontis Ocellifer x 1
• L001 x 1
• L168 x 1
• Bristlenose Plec x 1
• Peacock Eel x 2
• False Siamese tiger fish (Coius microlepis) x 1
• Male Firemouth Cichlid x 1

that made me laugh :D

before CFC - list

after CFC -list with fish from CFC

lol, forgot to remove that :blush:

It was copy n pasted from a word doc, I have them higlighted as 'have' and 'need to buy'
might i talk you into a third peacock eel? the more, the merrier.
yeah, I may do that, depends on what I see when I go to get these fish, I'm not too sure about the firemouth to be honest. so another fish may take its place.
cheers :good:

Just need to save up n buy the tank now, and also sell two of my tanks to make room :) that'll give me £200 and I have a load of cory Fry to sell, so might go with store credit and but some caves etc, and fake plants :D

what about a shoal of say 4 Pimelodus pictus?
pictus will do fine in a 100g but you already have lots of bottom dwellers on your list maybe you will have to sacrifice some of the others you think?
yeah I'm not that fussed on the pictus, any suggestions on some oddball mid/top levels?
maybe just one more fish, something t o replace the firemouth, I dont want another wide bar, but something thats not shy, and is active
Freshwater Gar (needle fish) need shoals of 3+, get up to a foot, and stay middle to top only. but anything they can chomp on, they will.... So they may actually end up eating the peacocks, unsure.

How about those giant green cories I got? If you search the fish section for "the wonderful world of Corries" thread, you'll see the emerald green corries, which are not cory cats at all, and get bigger than them.
i was also gonna suggest needle fish as a top dweller but they can be awkward feeders sometimes only accepting live food,including tank mates if they are the right size and shape.
i found them great fish to keep personally if you dont mind the frequent visits to the lfs for river shrimp
Bronchis would be too small as the sneakheads would eat them, and needle fish I would imagine too be too small as well.

what about ABF?
What about pikeheads? They work either in groups or alone. They are predatory so will eat anything that fits in their mouth and need live foods. Other than that, they aren't usualy aggressive towards other fish, stay near the top and grow to about 7.5".
pikeheads? never heard of them, do you mean Pike cichlids?


Just been looking at these fish online, Wildwoods sell them for £95 each :S so outta my range

Plus they need acidic water and mine is only PH7, so not suitable for my tank, thanks for the suggestion though.

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