Stocking Suggestions...20 Gallon


New Member
Dec 30, 2009
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My tank is still going through a cycle yet so I am not planning on getting any fish for a good amount of time. Unfortunately I found out about fishless cycling after I bought the 6 Serpae tetra.

When it comes time for some fish to add I was thinking about adding 1 male dwarf gourami with the serpae. I would like to get another set of 6 schoaling fish...but I am afraid that may be too much for my tank?

The only fish I am not crazy about are the neon/cardinal tetras or danios. Which basically leaves me with barbs or tetras.

Any ideas?
i would have said zebra danios but you dont like them haha
Get yourself a small plec or other catfish maybe. Bristle noses dont grow to big but im unsure weather 20g is enough room for them!?! :crazy:

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