Fish Fanatic
Hi all!
I am a moderately experienced enthusiast having kept tropical freshwater fish for 5-6 years now but have been attending university for the last four so have become more disconnected with the hobby than i would have liked. i am finishing university soon however and am looking to stock up my tank again which has been kept understocked intentionally to reduce maintenance for my family when im not at home.
I have a 22 gallon tank of which roughly 20-30% is occupied with plants etc and live in a hard water area with a pH around 7.4. currently in the tank I have a peppered cory (which i've had for 6 years now!), bronze cory, three glowlight tetras, a five stripe barb, a tiger barb, and three snails. this mixture is largely down to gradual depletion of former schools of fish, the tiger barb having been acquired accidentally from a store tank full of five-stripe's. in the past i have also kept guppies and dwarf gouramis with varying success.
so im looking for advice on the best species i should look to stock up with soon and how many i can conceivably maintain? i understand the tiger barb can pose an issue wrt guppies or similar but despite how awkward he can be im not willing to give him up but neither am i looking to get more barbs. ideally id like some top-level surface feeders first. im also interested in the idea of getting some shrimp too. would these suit my water conditions etc? and are they worth having?
Cheers for any help!!
I am a moderately experienced enthusiast having kept tropical freshwater fish for 5-6 years now but have been attending university for the last four so have become more disconnected with the hobby than i would have liked. i am finishing university soon however and am looking to stock up my tank again which has been kept understocked intentionally to reduce maintenance for my family when im not at home.
I have a 22 gallon tank of which roughly 20-30% is occupied with plants etc and live in a hard water area with a pH around 7.4. currently in the tank I have a peppered cory (which i've had for 6 years now!), bronze cory, three glowlight tetras, a five stripe barb, a tiger barb, and three snails. this mixture is largely down to gradual depletion of former schools of fish, the tiger barb having been acquired accidentally from a store tank full of five-stripe's. in the past i have also kept guppies and dwarf gouramis with varying success.
so im looking for advice on the best species i should look to stock up with soon and how many i can conceivably maintain? i understand the tiger barb can pose an issue wrt guppies or similar but despite how awkward he can be im not willing to give him up but neither am i looking to get more barbs. ideally id like some top-level surface feeders first. im also interested in the idea of getting some shrimp too. would these suit my water conditions etc? and are they worth having?
Cheers for any help!!