Thanks for all the info...I think I prefer the one fish for ten gallons lol! I'm still a bit confused about the whole live rock thing, everyone I speak to tells me something different about it, but it sounds totally ideal for the kind of set up I want. I want to keep two clowns because I'm particularly fond of clownfish and I just prefer the look of fish of the same species that are kept in pairs...I just think it looks nicer...I'm going to be a total nightmare when I get started on more territorial fish! Its only going to be a little tank in my room, I eventually plan to get a far bigger tank and fill it with all sorts of exciting stuff when I have more experience, but at the moment a pair of clowns and a gramma or jawfish would do me fine, I'm not too fussed about having lots of different species in the one tank.
Thanks for all the help...I'm going abroad in the summer for three months, so the tank wont be getting started until at least October so I have a good while to work out costs!