you dont say how big or how old your tank is (ie how long it has been cycled (and maybe how it was cycled)), how big the current fish are would also help!
Really I think the only issue (other than fish compatability, but I know nowt about either of these fish so I cant comment) would be the bacteria to break down the waste keeping up, so all I can suggest is get your water tested at the fish shop, if there is any trace of nitrIte or ammonia then you are not ready for more, and if you do get them again check the ammonia and nitrIte say 3 days and then 7 days then weekly/twice weekly for a couple of weeks after buying the fish to see if you do get any ammonia or nitrite, in which case do a water change more regularly until they catch up!
Btw where in Herts? Im originally from Welwyn Garden and then lived in Hemel Hempstead for 6 months (gotta love that roundabout!!) before moving to Devon