Stocking Questions


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2011
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Hey guys, got another tank to add to my others. Its a Juwel Rio 125 with external Tetratec ex1200 and I was just wondering what I could get in there.

I fancy a change from the Livebearers ive been keeping and I already have a small Betta tank so I was thinking of going with a pair of Bolivian Rams as my main focal point in the tank?

Could I possibly have a group of Corys in with the Rams? I will be using a sand substrate with plenty of cover/plants.

Also what type of shoaling fish would be compatible with these 2 providing they can be together? I was thinking of Chilli Rasbora for something colourful to huddle together and whizz around the tank, and would a small colony of Cherry Shrimp from my breeding tank be ok to rehome in with this selection?

Thanks guys :good:
Anyone? Going to MA soon and would like to price up stock so I can get saving :hey:

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