Stocking questions


Feb 14, 2004
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I have 2 tanks at the moment

A heavily planted 10 gallon :

6 different species of live plant
Pair of Dwarf Gourami
14 neons

A planted 4 gallon :

1 Male Betta
2 Leopard Danios

Anyone see any problems or stocking issues there? Can i add fish, i would like a nice feature like an angel, but know the neons would be picked off and i dont have a big enough tank :(

I dont want to disrupt the schoaling of the neons, which is a great feature. I do however want a nice focal point high in the tank, the neons seem to be sticking middle to bottom, the gourmai are sitting low. Any ideas to fill the gap?

Could i add more danios to the 4 gallon, as i understand it tey like to be in larger groups than pairs?

Cheers for any help guys/gals!!
I would say that maybe you could add another 1 or 2 Danios to the 4 gallon if you removed the betta and put him in his own tank. And you're right about the Angel, I guess, even though for my first "BIG" tank which was a 10 gallon when I was 17 I got 4 Angels and they got fairly good sized and they were all fairly happy together in those cramped quarters for over a year :eek: :rolleyes: . No one was there to advise me otherwise :/ :X so I didn't see anything wrong with it! :*) I'm not embarressed, I now know I couldn't do that so that's what matters

I wouldn't add any more fish at all to your 10 gallon because you already have about 18 inches of fish in a tank that should only have 10. Although, in my opinion, 14 Neons would be okay if it was just them.

How about upgrading to a 29 gallon tank kit and using your 10 gallon for a hospital tank and using your 4 gallon for your Betta alone. With all your fish, - your betta, you may THEN and only then have room for another fish or two with a good filter!!

Sorry, probably not what you wanted to hear, but true!!

I think it depends on what your parameters are and how much room the fish look like they have.

I personally never go on inch of fish rules unless it's a very small tank. If you think the levels would be ok you could try a couple of marbeled hatchetfish. These live only on the surface of the water and stay very small. Only about 1" or so I think. They like a varied diet and are prone to whitespot but this is just something you'd have to watch for.

What are your levels eg. amonia, nitrIte, nitrAte?
Params are all perfect :D

I decided to buy a 4 gallon today, got another betta to go in there, im gunna split it and have the two betta in there, and go for more danios in the original 4 gallon :)

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