Stocking Questions


New Member
Mar 9, 2004
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I have a 29 gallon aquarium. So far it's only stocked with a school of 6 long-finned leopard danios. I would like to get a pair of Angelfish to put with them. Would three Clown Loaches be too much with that? or does anyone have an idea on some compatible fish to help me fill my tank? Also how many Tiger Barbs can safely be kept in a 10 gallon tank?
Clown loaches would be ok, but hope you have plans to move them all to a bigger tank. Clown loaches, in the wild, can get up to 12", though they have been reported to get to about 6"-8" in captivity. Angelfish will get up to 6".

I currently have a 55 gallon tank with clown loaches and angelfish and they do fine together.
I was thinking that might be a little overstocked, although I'd love to try clown loaches sometime. They sound very interesting. Any other fish suggestions?
You can add either dwarf gouramis (red fire dwarf, neon blue dwarf, or power blue). They are small (2") and get along with other fish, except each other.

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