Well the time to add fish to my 24g nano cube is coming up, ammonia and nitrite are both at zero, and nitrates have been ranging from 0 to 10 imbetween weekly 10% water changes. I still currently have alot of diatoms in my tank, but my snails have been tearing through it.
Anyways I was thinking of having four fish, a common clown, a red firefish, a sixline wrasse, and a royal gramma. Does anyone see a problem with having these together? A couple other fish I was thinking about are the cardinal fish and the flame angel. The flame angel has always been my favorite fish, but I don't know if it would be good to keep him in a 24g. I have heard of people keeping them in nanos before, but I would be afraid that it would harras my other fish (which I wouldn't have as many of if I got an angel) and pick at my corals
, any comments?
Anyways I was thinking of having four fish, a common clown, a red firefish, a sixline wrasse, and a royal gramma. Does anyone see a problem with having these together? A couple other fish I was thinking about are the cardinal fish and the flame angel. The flame angel has always been my favorite fish, but I don't know if it would be good to keep him in a 24g. I have heard of people keeping them in nanos before, but I would be afraid that it would harras my other fish (which I wouldn't have as many of if I got an angel) and pick at my corals