Stocking question


Fish Crazy
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to check about stocking my tank again now i've finally made up my mind what I want in it. Its is 350litres (75 gal or 90 US gal) with plently of plants. At the moment I have:

1 snowball pleco
1 lemonspotted green pleco
1 bristlenose
2 angelfish
2 pearl gouramis
2 dwarf neon-blue gouramis
4 clown loach
1 mollie
3 swordtails
6 red coral platys
1 male betta

I wanted to add a shoal of about 10 neons and a red finned shark that needs rehoming.

Does this seem ok or would I be overstocked? By calculating it from a book its fine, but I wanted to check. :huh:
That depends on just how large those plecos are. I do not know what size your plecos get to. However, with angelfish and the loaches, your tetras would probably get eaten. The shark would work but I don't know whether you'd be overstocked or not.
I checked before getting the plecos that they don't get bigger than about 6 inches or so. My thinking with the neons was that the angel fish are too small at the mo and will take quite a bit of time to get big enought to gulp them
What about the loaches though? And neons can live quite a few years - the angels will soon eat them even if it does take a while.

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