Stocking question


Fish Crazy
Oct 16, 2004
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Could anybody please spare a bit of time to offer some advice on stocking a 28g tank?

I have recently started on a new tank and have just got to the point where i would like to add some more fish but i'm not sure about stocking levels or fish types.
So far i have got 5 platy's (1 is a fry) 2 swordtails and 3 small clowns all living in my 28g which is filtered by an eheim 2213.
So my question is do i have any options about adding new stock? and if i do what type of fish would i be best going for?

Thanks for any advice given
you could try some tetras of some sort, like neons or cardinals for example. or some harlequin rasboras. make sure, if you decide on fish like these, to get at least 6. you could even try some small corydoras catfish like panda cories. they have to be in a shoal of at least 4 or 5. you could consider something like a bristlenose pleco too, they are pretty messy but they are cute and interesting fish.
also keep in mind that clown loaches can grow quite big although they grow very slowly
Thanks for the advice although there appears to have been an issue with posts breeding :S Mother post

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