Stocking Question


Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2004
Reaction score
Athens, GA
I have this posted in beginner questions but no one responded and I don't know how to "move" my post...

I have my 40 gallon and have finally found other homes for the 1 danio and the one tiger oscar who was not happy in the smallish tank. The chinese algae eater will be moved into the 10 gallon as soon as the ropefish are moved into the 40 gallon.

Right now I have 3 bengal loaches in the 40 gallon. I want to move the 2 ropefish into the 40 gallon but am afraid the loaches will nip the fins of the ropefish...What else would be good in this tank? Is there anything I can do to prevent the loaches from eating the fins of my ropefish?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Ropefish are tough, they can handle it :D Maybe give the loaches some faster moving targets for the loaches. Maybe some Giant danios or some of the larger rainbowfish.

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