Stocking Question


New Member
Jul 25, 2004
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I have a 10 gallon aquarium stocked with 5 tiger barbs and 2 albino corys. I would like to add a couple more tiger barbs. I'm new to the hobby and dont want to overstock so I am asking for your advice and maybe some of your experiences with tiger barbs in a 10g. Thanks a bunch.
I think both Tiger Barbs and Cories get to about 2.5" in length. Since you have 7 that makes about 17.5 inches of fish in your tank.
For a standard US 10 Gallon they recommend 15 inches of fish. You seem slightly overstocked already so I'm not sure if you have room for more fish.
The 15 is just a guide but if your filtration is high and you're doing frequent water changes your tank may be able to support them. It would help if your tank is fairly mature but it's still risky.

Hope this helps and I'm sure others who are more experienced will be able to help you out more. :D
Just curious, are your cories ok? Don't tiger barbs nip on their fins?
I thought cories have fins too? :lol: I guess they don't touch bottom dwellers?
I am curious because once upon a time, I too wanted to create a tank around tiger barbs and I gave up with that idea because they pretty much crossed out most of the species....

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