stocking question


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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so i'm positive that my aunt got my brother a bigger tank for his graduation because she said that she went to the store were the tanks were. I dont know if its a 30 0r 55, but I do have so stocking ideas. Would they be over stocking the tanks?
30 gallons-
2 Angel Fish
2 Gouramis ( also would a larger tank lessen the males aggression to the female? )
4 Corydoras
1 Plattie
3 Danios
3 Phantum Tetras
3 Black Skirt Tetras

15 gallons-
2 Jewel Cichlids
6 White Skirt Tetras ( someone said that biiger tetras would be good with Jewels, I dont know though)
or 2 Loaches ( read that those are okay with Jewels as well )
1 Bristlenose Pleco
15 gallons SW-
2 Clown Fish
3 Blue Damsels

55 gallons-
2 Blue Rams
2 Kribs
2 Bolivan Rams
2 Angel Fish
2 Keywhole Cichlids
2 Gouramis
7 Corydoras
1 Plattie
6 Danios
3 Phantum Tetras
3 Black Skirt Tetras
5 Other nicely colored Tetras
1 Bala Shark ( Cant cut that one because brother already has one )

is there anything that youd cut out of the tank, etc. Thanks
for the first one, i wouldn't get 3 of each (danios, tetras) just pick the one you like best and get a nice big school of them. it would look much better and the fish will be happier. and what kind of gouramis do you want? pearls would probably be too big for the set up but dwarfs could work. if you get two, make sure it's not 2 males as they could fight and provide lots of plants and hiding spaces to minimize agression.

and i really would stay away from a 15 gal sw tank. it's just going to be too hard and not enough room for all those fish
i already have 3 danios, and 2 tetras, I thought they were the same kind but they arent. And the gouramsi are 1 blue and 1 gold, female and male.

my brother said that he was thinking
2 Midas
2 Red Devils
2 Jewels
2 Green Terrors
2 Oscars
for a 55, i said that oscars wontr work but it will be his and hes the one that chooses the fish, are those ok, except for oscars?

i though keywholes were peaceful...
Name: keyhole cichlid
Compatibility: Peaceful, can be kept in a community tank except with very small fish e.g. baby Neons
Feeding: Flake and frozen recommended
Size: 10cm
Remarks: A peaceful Cichlid - easy to keep, long lived
thats from some site

and i'm open to any NICE suggestions, and when i say nice, i mean people being nice when they suggest stuff.

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