Stocking Question


Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2005
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ok ive always had small tanks, but when my grandad past bck in march he left me some money so i treated my self to a large tank 240L but ive no idea really what to put in it. My sig has the fish tht are in it at the moment, but im so scared id go over the top and over stock it, every tht is in it all all healthy and growing well. All ideas greatful thanks
I would at least do the following:

* 10 leopard danios
* 10 white tip tetras
* 5 angels
* I would replace the 2 sail fin plecos with something more suitable in size,for example 1m 2f bristlenose plecos
* 2 three-spot gouramis

In theory, if the tank is well planted, you should be able to have 15 of each schooling fish, but I think the above is a good start.
what sort of fish do you like ? do you want to stick with community fish , or moved in a different direction?
community fish i think, i had guppies platties and soard tails in my old tank so not looking to have thoses and with angels i dont think guppies get on to well from what ive been told
I have had guppies with angels before (without problems), but I would not recommend that anyone even considers it.

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