Stocking Question


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hey all
what can i have in a 15 uk gallon tank?
anythink other that lil shrimp
If you make it brackish, you could keep crabs.

If you're staying freshwater, I think 15g is a little too small for a crayfish (I seem to recall they like at least 20g). Or you could keep some frogs. African Dwarfs are easy to keep, as are (much larger) african clawed frogs. You could think about an axolotl too, I think 15g is enough for one of them...
i have two axolotl already
well yea i just wanted to keep it fresh water tbh
how many frogs could it hold?
are there no frsh water crabs?
If we're talking African Dwarf Frogs, probably quite a few. They're only around an inch long. Though I'm afraid I'm no frog expert.

There's a crab called the Vampire Crab (Geosesarma sp) which I believe is freshwater. You might need to order one from Germany though, as they're hard to come by. Bear in mind also that all crabs in the hobby need some space to climb out of the water to remain healthy in the long term.

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