Stocking Question Please ....


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2011
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i have a 54l tank which is running the internal juwel filter AND a fluval u2 filter. i have extra aeration with a complete across the back bubble wall and the juwel filter gives quite alot of surface agitation too. i do weekly water changes, check my water parameters daily (which are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 3ppm). i have a nitrate sponge and 5 marimo moss balls which has aided the nitrate not to go above 5ppm (yet).

i've currently got 15 x 1cm neons in the tank, 3 dwarf ottos on reserve and i'd like to add some cory sterbai too. question is HOW OVERSTOCKED WOULD I BE IF I ADDED 4 x CORY STERBAI (their current size is 1" long)? i appreciate they prefer groups of 6 but i think that may be a too many :huh:

i've tried to work it that fish have their own swimming space .. the slender fish such as the neons are mid to top swimmers, the slender fish ottos will pretty much stay stuck to the glass munching my algae away and the more full bodied fish cory i believe are more bottom swimmers / cleaner up'ers so to speak with the occasional mad dash to the surface.

am i incorrect with my method of thinking? also, i hoped the over filtration would of helped with any overstocking?
Get rid the juwel internal and the air pump you need all the room you can get in there, A U2 is 400LPH in a 50L is more then enough. IMO i would not add the sterbai they like their space and you are only adding 4 when you know there 6+ fish
You'd do better to increase your shoal of otos; they do much better in larger groups. Two species is enough for a 50l!
I would increase the number of otos to around 4-6. Also if you are looking for extra "zing" in your tank it would be good to add some shrimp. I like ghost and cherry shrimp the best. ;)
I think that would be a great idea. ;)

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