Stocking question for 55 gallon planted tank...


New Member
Aug 7, 2005
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hello all, I have a stocking question.

First, my tank.

55 gallon, planted
Low light
2215 eheim

Currently stocked with 4 yoyo loaches, 4 small angels, 2 kribs, 1 clown pleco(about 3in full grown), 2 otos, and a school of 14 harlequin rasboras.

The rasboras stay at the top, loaches near the bottom, pleco only comes out at night, while the rest go where they please. I am looking for a school of about 5-10 fish to roam in the mid tier. Just some fish to mingle in the plants and even out my tank...

any suggestions are greatly appreciated,
Just a few ideas...

If your tank has had time to mature and your tank parameters and maintenance are consistently impeccible, the best schoolers (except perhaps the harlequins) would be Rummynose Tetras.

Black skirt or Lemon Tetras are supposed to be good schoolers as well.

Cardinal or Ember Tetras would work too, but are small enough you might have to worry about the angels eventually.
One of my favorite fish are Brilliant rasboras...very colourful, but what really attracts me to them is their schooling action. They almost always stay in a very tight school and move about the tank in a beautiful way (mid to upper levels)! The other bonus to them is that they grow larger than many rasboras...about 2.5-3 inches. They are very peaceful, but are able to exist with moderately aggressive fish. Mine live with 2 large angles, and a Firemouth cichlid.
A school of 6-10 of these in your tank would look amazing! :hyper:

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