Stocking Plans?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2006
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I know i've asked this before..jus wanna make sure I get everything right and the correct amount of fish in the correct tank size.. this is what I am thinking...

5 long finned red minor tetras
2 dwarf gouramis
3 clown laochs
1 striped raphael catfish

What gal tank would I need for this set up??

I am thinkin of getting a 29/30 gal tank...any ideas on how I would have to change the stocking plans for that size tank? Hope it wouldn't be too drastic. I know the clown loachs can get kinda big (7"?) i'm guessing those would be the main ones I can't get.

Thanks a bunch on your advice!
I was in the same situation as you were two years ago. I was thinking about buying a 29/30 gallon tank but decided to bump it up to a 55 gallon because A. I could keep a larger variety of fish and B. it didn’t cost to much more.

The 5 long finned red minor tetras, 2 dwarf gouramis, and the catfish would be fine in a 29 or 30. The loaches would need to be scratched from the list because, as you stated, they grow large and require plenty of horizontal swimming room. If your truly set on a 29/30 gallon tank then i would look into a small school of dwarf rainbowfish or some cories as a replacement.
I wouldn't really mind a 55 gal and saving the money..the issue I have is the location for the tank. Cause I want it in my room (i'm 18 n still live with my parents) and I was gonna put it on my dresser but cause my wall slants I can't get too long of a tank. Yeah I was also thinkin maybe goin with the cories instead.. and clown loachs are schooling fish..right?
It jus hit me..

Maybe...if you guys think it would be okay...

My parents ahve a 125g downstairs with jus an oscar and a pleco in it right now..

what if I got two clown loaches and when they get to big for the 29 or 30g tha i'll ahve I can put em in the 125g ...that way they wont be too small for my oscar..

Would this work??
this doesnt really relate to your stocking problem, more of a furniture problem. I would advise AGAINST putting a tank (especially a 29/30g) on your dresser.

I used to have a TV on a wood dresser and over time it eventually warped the wood so the drawers had trouble opening and closing. A 29g tank is considerably heavier than a 27" TV and I think even the most solid dresser (unless its metal) would eventually give in. I would suggest a cheap tank stand, provided it doesnt look too tacky in your room and you can afford one. Pretty cheap at petsmart or
Alright..thank you. Yeah..I didn't really think much bout the heavy tank being on a wood dresser. It's a nice thick sturdy dresser..but it would still prolly start to get funky.

Thank you bout everything. Um..i've read a bit on clown loaches and on a few websites it said at least a 20g..but I also want other yeah..prolly at least a 55g right? eh...I dunno..maybe drop the clown loaches all together but I jus love em soo much!
Everywhere I've read has said you need at least 55, cause they school, and you should get at least 4. And they get big. My fiance really wants them, so we've been looking into them quite a bit. LOL.
i no expert but mabie u could get some corys mabie 4. i like masked corydoras and leopard corydoras and there small, max 2.4 inch. also consider a betta they are beautiful fish(siamese fighter) and a small group of tetras mabie 6-there are many to chose from eg neons, black neons, black phantom tetra, lemon tetra and many more and you might be able to squeese 1-2 dwarf or honey gourami in.
It jus hit me..

Maybe...if you guys think it would be okay...

My parents ahve a 125g downstairs with jus an oscar and a pleco in it right now..

what if I got two clown loaches and when they get to big for the 29 or 30g tha i'll ahve I can put em in the 125g ...that way they wont be too small for my oscar..

Would this work??

I don't think this would be a problem, just as ong as you get a bunch so they can stick together, then when they get big put them in with the 125

Oscars are pretty docile in comparison to other cichlids when kept in the right conditions, for instance if the PH is off or temp is off but quite a bit this could cause some agression, but as far as that goes , i don't think a pack of clown loaches would bother it at all..... then when you move them out you could always go for some corries or something

that is my oppinion, unless someone disagrees....

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