Stocking Plan Plz Give Your Advice


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
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I know Ive already asked this but this is my final one. Sry if it bothers anyone.

35 U.S. Gallon

10 Neon Tetras
6 Rummy Nose Tetras
Pair German Blue Rams
4 small corys
3 otos
Pair Dwarf Gourami

Any problems with compatibilty? Overstocked? My main concern is if nething will bully the neons too much.

I wasn't planning on getting Neons but my Dad brought 7 home as a gift and already I am hooked on thier antics.

If I cant get a pair of the Rams would it be O.k. to get 2 males or better to just get 1 male. Same question for Gourami.

Looks okay, Wont get many fry past the neons, and if the rams breed they may go on the warpath in such a small tank, other than that your golden, IMO, maybe get 6 corys.
Looks okay, Wont get many fry past the neons, and if the rams breed they may go on the warpath in such a small tank, other than that your golden, IMO, maybe get 6 corys.


I'd get a few more cory's too

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